Saturday, December 5, 2020

Saturday Snippets

--It has been a few days of strange symptoms in our household.  They don't seem to be COVID-19 symptoms; we still have our sense of smell.  My spouse has been feeling chilled, and he does seem feverish at times, but he's not running a fever.  I've had recurring dizziness--nothing too terrible, but enough to make me decide to walk instead of jogging, enough that I'm careful how I turn my head.  I take my temperature frequently--at least once a day and sometimes more, and I'm never running a fever.

I do wonder if we've always had periods of strange symptoms and in the past, we wouldn't have paid as much attention to them.

--It has been another week of frequent internet outages at work.  I'm trying not to read too much into that.  I do have work that I can do when I can't access the internet or incoming/outgoing e-mail.  My files have never been more shipshape.

--Today I've got one more work task:  an Advisory Board meeting at 10:00.  Happily, it's virtual, so I don't have to leave my house.  I'm thinking to the last one, when I left the house early to get a pastry platter from Publix and to have time to make coffee and get everything set up.  This morning will be more leisurely.

--I have been writing a poem a day for a week.  It's not always/often a good poem.  But it's good to be flexing these poetry muscles.

--It was also the week of the last day of my online journaling class with the Grunewald Guild.  Vonda Drees, the amazing leader of the group, will soon be leaving her position and heading back to Texas.  She's not sure about whether or not she'll be leading future groups.  

I was looking back through my sketchbooks, and I am amazed at what I've accomplished.  Those classes that Vonda have led have taken me to places I might never have gone alone.  I've made new friends and read books I might not have read otherwise.

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