Saturday, February 13, 2021

New Spiritual Disciplines and Practices for the Twenty-first Century

For my program that will lead to my certification as a spiritual director, we read one book a month and write a report.  With some of the books, it's like falling through a hole in time; for example, one of them talked about talking to one's spiritual director with a long distance phone call, if one could afford those high rates.

For the last review I wrote this, in response to the question about what stirred my spirit most:  "It may not be the fault of the book, but not much about this stirred my spirit. I liked the reminder that there are a variety of disciplines, but at this point, I’ve heard a lot about these particular disciplines, and I find myself wondering about the kind of book I’d write for the 21st century, the disciplines that are important for our current time. Thinking about that question has stirred my spirit—and in a good way."

We turn in our responses to our small group leader, and she writes the most wonderful replies.  Here's what she wrote to the above response:  "Now, I am wondering when you will be writing a book about current spiritual disciplines!!!!!! What a wonderful gift that would be to all of us - and everyone!!!!! And I have no doubt that you could do just that!!!! Especially with the direction that you are taking right now……Kristin, you have so very much to offer to the Church - Lutheran and United Methodist!!!!! - the entire Church. God has no boundaries for you……This is such a beautiful time of discerning for you…..Blessings are with you as you continue on your journey."

I'm recording this exchange in part because of the praise.  I like having positive voices in reserve for when the negative voices in my head get too loud and shrill.

But I'm also recording it because I like to keep a record of potential writing projects and books.  Of course, I have more ideas than I have time to write in my current lifetime.  But this idea spoke to me:  what are the spiritual disciplines for the 21st century that will take us to the 22nd?

Some of those practices might be the same.  Some are timeless.  But we likely have new practices that would be very unfamiliar to a time traveler arriving from the year 1927--or 1427.

What are they?  I'm not sure yet.  But it's a question that stirs my soul.

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