Thursday, February 4, 2021

Phone Log

When I think of these first weeks of 2021, what will I remember?  I feel like I've spent a lot of these weeks on the phone trying to straighten stuff out.  Just for fun, and because I will forget, let me make a list:

--I mailed the December mortgage check, which didn't arrive, and didn't arrive, and didn't arrive.  I was in contact with the mortgage company several times, and we determined how long we could wait on the U.S. mail.  Finally, in late December, I cancelled the check and did an electronic funds transfer.

On the last Friday of January, the check arrived at the mortgage company.  But it took a long phone call to determine that the payment that the mortgage company notified me about was that check.  I couldn't imagine who was paying off my mortgage--turns out, it was me.

Last night I spent more time on the phone.  I wanted to do an electronic funds transfer for the February payment, but because of the check arriving, the automated phone process wanted to give me credit for March, not February.

I expect to spend more time on the phone before it's done.

--My sister-in-law is coming for a visit, and we're hoping to do a ride to the Keys.  Our other family members rented a type of motorcycle, a slingshot.  We wanted to rent a trike.  I made phone calls Saturday, and then made a reservation online.  I got an e-mail a few days later that the bike wasn't available.  I called the phone #, talked to some nice people in Las Vegas who couldn't help me, and tried again the next day.  Come to find out, I had to push another number, which meant another round of phone calls.

Last night I spent time looking for other options, but they would all involve a bit of a drive to get there.  Happily, this morning I got an e-mail that the bike is available after all.  

I will try to focus on the aspect of plans working out, rather than the irritation at making a plan, having it fall through, making other plans, stressing over how those plans would be less workable, and then returning to the original plan.

So my list is not that huge--but it represents hours and hours and hours out of a normal week.  Let me be happy for happy resolutions.  Let me not focus on lost hours. 

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