Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Seminary Dreams: an MDiv that Combines Theology and the Arts!

On Saturday, I stumbled across another seminary program that combines a focus on the arts and theology. I thought I had done a thorough search and found the one seminary (in Minnesota, a UCC seminary) that did--and it doesn't offer much on the arts side. I've spent much of the days since Saturday exploring the website for Wesley Theological Seminary--in Washington DC.

Their MDiv program (the one that gets a person ready for ordination) has this focus. Some schools have a track that's not part of the MDiv track, but this one is. The whole website looks fascinating--they have so many cool possibilities.

They're part of the consortium, which means they have partnerships with all sorts of other seminaries and universities, but none further south.  One of their programs offers a chance to study in Stockholm, Sweden

I've spent some time searching, but I can't tell how much they offer online in non-Covid times.

Could I go there while still working my current job? Maybe, depending on online offerings--at least for a year or two. If my job ends, I'd be tempted to figure out a way to go full time. If you research the cost, it's mind blowing, but the catalog says in many ways that very few students will pay the full price, that most students will pay no more than half. I think that separate from what the seminary would provide, the ELCA might also have assistance.

I know that I would have 10 years to complete the program once I started--so I could start small. And they have a cool program, where you can try out the school by taking a class--and then if you like it, you do all the entry paperwork and such.

For the MDiv degree, I would probably not start earlier than fall--I should call not only the school but the church synod office. There's a candidacy process I should follow so that I can become ordained by the Lutheran church. I will make that phone call this week. This may be a great year to do this--in past years, there would have been required time away at a retreat center meeting with the candidacy team, but this year, hopefully it's happening remotely. I'm not opposed to time away, so if that's still required, it's not a deal breaker. But our synod has been very careful when it comes to in person gatherings.

You might be wondering why I'm thinking of any of this. You might think I had chosen against seminary/ordination when I went the spiritual direction certificate route.  I have always been keeping that option open, but I really wanted to find a program that thrills me.  

And now, I think I have.

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