Sunday, February 21, 2021

Taking Inventory of Creativity and Discernment

When I look back on these weeks from a distance of years, I wonder if I will remember it as a creative time.  When I look at my poetry notebook, I see fragments, but not as much fruition.  But there's been a lot more going on in these past few weeks.  Let me take note here so that I remember:

Seminary/Candidacy Journey

Four weeks ago, I heard about the Arts and Theology track at Wesley Theological Seminary.  Since then, I've filled in the candidacy form on the ELCA website, and I've lined up the people who will write letters of recommendation.  My church's Council has given me approval.  I've had my pre-candidacy interview with a representative from the Synod.  I've been in touch with the agency that will do the psychological evaluation and this week, I'll get those forms completed, which will feel like a huge accomplishment.  I've started thinking about the writing assignments and expect to write those soon.

Video Sermon Creation

I created the sermon for today's service.  I think it's the best video sermon that I've done yet.  You can go here to my YouTube page to see and hear it.

Haiku-Like Creations

I continue to exchange haiku-esque creations with old friends by way of e-mail.  Here's a sample:

Rain clouds rolling in
The sky, a Turner painting
Run a bit faster

Rust, smash, dust, or ash,
All we love will fade or end
Carbon based sorrow

Soggy Shrove Tuesday
No pancakes, parties, parades
Pandemic penance

Longer Poems

I've written a few poems that have potential.

Sketching with Copic Markers

This month, I worked on a sketch for over 2 weeks, which delighted me.  

And yes, I do realize that the 2 windows are looking at completely different scenes -- it's a surrealistic touch that I did on purpose.

Apocalyptic Novel Goal:  Writing a Minimum of 1000 Words 

I have done this each week, on Friday night, as my spouse teaches.  It's become a writer's date with myself, and I really look forward to it.


Have I pursued publication?  Not in the encompassing way that I once did.  But what I'm doing feeds me in a way that publication doesn't.  

It's good for me to take inventory like this.  I spend lots of time thinking that I'm accomplishing absolutely nothing with my precious life.

But I am accomplishing in a wide variety of ways.

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