Friday, March 19, 2021

Friday Fragments: A Week of Completed Applications

What a week this has been!  Let me record some of the moments that I don't want to forget.  Will they cohere into a unified essay?  Probably not.  But I like these kinds of lists when I come across them in old blog posts; it's a great way of capturing stuff that doesn't seem to merit a whole post of its own.  Let me start with my favorite moments:

--Wesley Theological Seminary has a dashboard where one can see the status of the application in terms of what has been received.  Earlier in the week, I was still missing one of the recommendations.  I felt a bit fretful because I knew that the recommender had written and sent it, but I decided to wait a week to see if it came in.  Yesterday, the dashboard showed that everything is complete--hurrah!

--A week ago, I was worrying about the palm tree removal that was going to happen on Saturday.  So much could go wrong.  Happily, nothing went wrong.  We still have one tree that needs to come down, but knowing that the first tree was successfully removed will help my anxiety.

--On Monday, we got an e-mail announcement about people at work who had gotten promotions.  That's the way I found out that the internal opening for which I had applied was filled, and I would not be getting an interview.  "Maybe God Is Trying to Tell You Something" is a song from the movie The Color Purple that often goes through my mind, but never more so than in times like this.

--Much of my writing this week has been e-mails and writing in my offline journal to process the events at work.  I had forgotten how wonderful it is to write in an offline journal.

--I feel odd aches and pains today, and I remembered that I spent part of yesterday tense and clenched in the dentist's chair.  It was a routine cleaning, but I hate those.  But at least that's done.

--I finished the Winter Warrior Challenge.  I had signed up for the Long Run Challenge:  to run 240 miles over 12 weeks, starting Jan. 1.  At the time I signed up, I wasn't really running much at all, so I'm surprised to finish early.  I finished with several 2 mile runs, more of a whimper than a bang, because I didn't realize I was that close.  This morning, I had a great 4 mile run which gives me hope that I might be able to keep doing this through the tougher summer months.

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