Monday, March 15, 2021

Interfaith Community Justice Organizing in an Age of Pandemic

For over a decade, in Broward county, in South Florida, an ecumenical group has been meeting the past few years to demand justice from our local leaders. Some years we've worked on housing issues, some years dental issues, and so on. We make real changes.  The work has culminated in a Nehemiah action, where we meet with local government officials to show the results of our research and to ask for--and demand, if necessary--changes.

Last year, our Nehemiah action was scheduled for April, shortly after our county went into lockdown.  We canceled that action.  In the year since, we've learned how to do community organizing and justice work from a distance.  As with school and work, we rely on Zoom.

Tonight we will have our first Nehemiah action by way of Zoom.  There will also be a drive-in component, for those who feel safe doing that.  I will be logging in.

Because of the magic of Zoom, you could log in too.  Here's the information that was sent:

We have loved ones living on the streets with mental illness. We are going to push for better access to housing.

Children and adults in Broward County are being saddled with lifetime arrest records for minor mistakes. We are going to push for expanded access to diversion and an end to the criminalization of poverty.

We expect Broward County Commissioners and the Broward County State Attorney to respond at the Action.

Time: Log on 7:15pm, Call to Order 7:30pm
Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 828 4106 4274
Password: 4649
To participate by phone only dial: 312 626 6799

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