Monday, March 29, 2021

Paid Holiday for Passover

I have today off for Passover, and then, I have Friday off for Good Friday.  It's very ecumenical, and not at all what has been usual at my school.  But the sale actually happened last week, and now we have new owners who are Jewish.  Now we will get all the Jewish holidays, along with Good Friday and Christmas, and a slate of federal holidays.  This year, in September, we will only have about 12 work days, between Labor Day, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and several days for Sukkot.

Let me be clear that I am not complaining.  I would also be happy to celebrate Muslim and Hindu holidays.  

Since I knew that I had the day off, I scheduled my last psych evaluation appointment necessary for the candidacy committee.  Maybe today will be the day when I finally find out which 4 letters I am in the Myers-Briggs universe.  I've done some of that work in the past, but I can never remember the Myers-Briggs.  In fact, I don't think I've ever done the Myers-Briggs because it cost too much money.

The appointment will be by way of Zoom, and I feel a bit of anxiety about the stability of my internet connection.  That anxiety seems to have joined my stable of anxieties.  Ugh.

I will also practice the bass part that I'm playing on 2 songs for the Easter sunrise service.  My friend has loaned me her bass ukulele to practice this week.  I am amazed by what a different kind of music playing experience it is.  I look at the music and the words and the advice to play every other beat--but with words, it's distracting.  I'll do best if I ignore the singing, but can I?

Happily, if I discover that I can't, I won't be wrecking anyone's sunrise service experience.  It's a gift in so many ways to be part of a forgiving and encouraging church.  Not every church music program is this way.

So, onward to my first paid holiday I've ever had--ever--for Passover.

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