Monday, April 12, 2021

Week-end Update

It's been a strange week-end--but has it been stranger than any other week-end?  Let me capture some elements before the week cranks into high gear:

--Our neighbors two doors to our west put their house on the market this week-end.  I lost a fair amount of time Sunday morning looking up their property and then others.  I did not realize they had a pool!  Their house is similar to ours:  a 2/2 main house and a 1/1 cottage in the back.  Their cottage is unfinished.

--On Saturday, we had a Create in Me Zoom call.  Create in Me is the retreat at Lutheridge that explores the intersections between creativity and spirituality, the retreat that has been cancelled for 2 years in a row.  It makes sense that it's been cancelled, but wow, how I miss these people.  It's been interesting to me through the years, feeling so connected to people that I only see once or twice a year.  I feel so lucky to have this group, and others like this group, plus close friends in the South Florida area where I live.

--What a strange week it's been, a week of orientations with the new owners, a week that left me with more questions than answers.  It's been a week of finishing paperwork for seminary and for ordination, and I've been reminding myself to read those letters of recommendation, that belief that others have in me.  Let me also remember that one of my Create in Me friends was hoping I'd be coming to seminary in South Carolina; I told her that I have to do a Lutheran year, and I decided to affiliate with Southern, so she might be seeing me.

--I told my spiritual director that I'd be thrilled about seminary, even if I knew it didn't end in a job.  I am so thrilled about the idea of a deep dive into these subjects, of immersing myself, of having one last chance to do this.

--Am I silly for thinking it's my one last chance?  Maybe after this, I'll get a PhD in theology!

--On Friday night, my church council voted to support me financially.  I feel weird about that, but I know that it's important in the eyes of the larger church that my home church supports me.  I thought, well, I can always donate the money back to my home church. 

--I began the week-end with a church council meeting, and the week-end ended with a thunderstorm, a literal one.  Ordinarily, I might be delighted, but last night, we had water intrusion in the laundry room, which meant lots of pantry items to move.  We know how to fix it--cleaning out gutters and downspouts--but it's not a fix that can happen as the rain is coming in.

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