Sunday, May 2, 2021

Big Girl Trousers

I am having one of those mornings where I am tired of my clothes, all of which do not fit me, but each piece doesn't fit me in a different way.  I am thinking primarily of my pants.  I am tired of so much right now, but I know that I'm lucky to be able to feel tired in the ways that I am tired, not in the more catastrophic ways of feeling tired.

I am tired because I stayed up later than usual talking to friends.  I'm tired because I went to bed with a heavy meal in my stomach, and I realize I'm lucky to have a heavy meal shared with friends, a bed to sleep in, the AC temperature that I couldn't quite get right.

The night before last, I got a great night's sleep, and that, too, is a mark of fortune.  My spouse fell asleep in the living room where he slept through the night.  I went to bed early and instead of waking up at 2 or 3 a.m., I slept through the night.  Was it because I had the whole bed to myself?  Was it because the house was slightly cooler?

I have sent my online students their last e-mail, and now I wait for their last essays.  In the meantime, there's church that will be in person this Sunday, along with a congregational meeting.

Let me get ready.  I will put on my big girl trousers (I mean that literally) and head off into my Sunday.

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