Sunday, July 25, 2021

Bastille Day Writing Fun

Last week, my writerly brain wanted to have fun with Bastille Day, so I made this post early in the morning, once I got my birthday cake in the oven:

"Up before dawn, baking the Bastille Day treats, which I will serve with fresh, hot coffee. Since I am the oldest girl, I will wear a crown of candles on top of my head. I've got the correct holiday, right?"

Some of my Facebook friends didn't get the joke, but some did:  "In your honor, I'm having stale biscotti with marginally fresh warm coffee"

As I drove to work, I came up with another funny mixing:  "So, in 1789, Marie Antoinette said, "Let them eat cake." The people had no cake, so she took over the Bastille and made cake for everyone. The cake was so delicious that people lost their heads over it, and that's why we have cake every July 14, right?"

A different Facebook friend got my joke and wrote:  "So the French people got tired of the queen's cake, formed a French Lives Matter group, staged a July 14 coup d' etat, and stormed the Bastille to free all of the prisoners. Hein?"

I spent the rest of the day wanting to remind people that I was trying to be funny, that I did know my history.  Instead, later in the day, I wrote this:  "J___ if there are truly Bastille Day treats, I don't know about them. I was doing some early morning baking and thought about Linus mixing up holidays (a la The Great Pumpkin), and I came up with the idea of mixing up Bastille Day with Santa Lucia festivals in Dec."

I often forget this kind of everyday creativity that I try to infuse into each day.  That's one of the reasons why I record them here periodically.

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