Monday, August 9, 2021

First Blog Post from the Condo

Here I sit in the new (new-to-us) condo, with soca music pounding in my head.  There is no soca music playing; I'm hearing all sorts of mechanical sounds that it will take me some time to get used to, but didn't interfere with my sleep as Saturday moved to Sunday.

No, I'm hearing soca music because there was a soca festival at the arts park across the street from our new location, loud, thudding, SO LOUD music, from the time we got back from church until we went to sleep.  And I went to bed later than is usual for me because the festival lasted until 10.  Sigh.  But it won't always be that way.  People paid $50-$80 for that concert--no, it won't always be that way.

On Saturday night, there was a blues/rock kind of concert, and we were able to sit on our balcony and enjoy it.  Yesterday was the kind of concert where my spouse put on his ear protecting headphones, the kind that you use at a gun range, to go out to have a smoke.

Our move on Saturday went as well as it could.  I'm glad that I got the 15 foot truck, not the 20 foot truck.  We barely had enough time to unload the smaller van.  The security guard rode the elevator with us, and it was a smallish elevator.  I don't know how people get a king size bed up to their condos.

So far, we have unpacked most of what we brought over, but most of what we brought over was bigger furniture, the kind we need to move with a truck.  This morning, half of what I had planned to wear to work is here with me and half a mile away at the old house.  I'm still not sure how I'll structure my morning.  

My mood vacillates.  Until yesterday afternoon, I was mostly happy with this decision, although I'm glad that we're renting, not buying.  Yesterday morning, I had a delightful morning reading a book, reading the old-fashioned way, a book spooling out across paper pages.  Yesterday afternoon, despite the pounding music, we managed to find the wi-fi here, the internet access that is included as part of our rent.  It took me many attempts and a different log-in key, but here I am, writing a blog post.

I am glad that I did my seminary orientation right when the course first opened up.  I knew that August would soon be filled with other obligations, and it looks like I am correct.  Packing, moving, with more packing to do, more addresses to change, more figuring out of how to transport the old life to this new location.  And then getting the house ready to go on the market.

Now to get them all taken care of before seminary starts at the end of this month.

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