Thursday, August 5, 2021

Notes from the Next Wave of a Plague

--Yesterday at work, when asked if I thought we were in the 2nd wave of the pandemic or the 4th, I said that it was the 2nd wave if you think of it in terms of a variant that's significantly different than the original disease, which I think Delta is. But, if you look at waves in terms of spikes, I said it would be at least the 4th, because we had a spike in March 2020, summer 2020, winter 2020-21, and now.

My colleague and friend said, "There's no one I would rather ride out a pandemic with than you," and I think that's the best compliment I've gotten in some time. And my inner Apocalypse Gal says, "Plague states for the win!"

--As I drove home yesterday in the late afternoon, I heard the announcement of local hospitals suspending elective surgeries.  I have heard rumors of patients being housed in conference rooms and auditoriums at the local hospitals, but I don't know if that's true.

--We have been eating our way through our stockpile of food, mainly so that we don't have to move it to our new condo that we'll be renting.  Occasionally, I feel strange about letting our food stores get low.  But as a friend pointed out yesterday, it is hurricane season, so at least we don't have a lot of frozen food.  Of course, we don't have much canned food either.  But often after a hurricane, I have no desire to eat because it's just too hot with no AC.

--My pastor has been planning a September where we will look at themes of exile and restoration.  I'm intrigued to see where he goes with this.  He is planning worship on Sunday and a midweek study of some kind delivered by Zoom.  He asked me if I wanted to do something before worship on Sunday, something that incorporates a creative activity.  Of course I said yes, but I do realize that our South Florida COVID spike may put those plans on hold.  Where will we be by September?

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