Monday, August 2, 2021

Pandemic Insomnia

And so, my pandemic insomnia has returned.  I found myself snapping awake shortly before midnight, with a kind of panic clutching in my throat.  I got up, got a sip of water, took my sleeping spouse's glasses off his face, and turned off the TV.  But I couldn't fall back asleep.

That tickle in my throat?  Did it signal any invaders?  These night sweats:  menopause, too many covers, or a symptom?  How on earth will humanity work our way out of this?

Once my brain starts whirling that way, sleep isn't going to settle in, so I got up to read a bit.  I'm partway through Madeline Miller's The Song of Achilles, which has been on a waitlist at the library, so I can't renew it.  What a gorgeous book--not as good as her Circe, but wow.

I tried to sleep again--no good.  So I got up and looked through both my Facebook and Twitter feeds.  I decided to try again, and finally, two hours later, I was able to drift off.

On some level, I don't mind this insomnia.  I've gotten reading done, and in the past, writing.  It did occur to me that I could pack a box or two.  The impending move is also on my brain.  More on that later.  Now it is time to get ready for my work day.

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