Friday, August 27, 2021

Passing Torches

Earlier this week, I was walking, as I do almost every morning.  The sun rises later each day, which is fine with me.  In late June, it's almost impossible to avoid a sunny morning walk, and I prefer the time just before sunrise.

I'm also noticing fewer people out walking their dogs.  Is it because dog walkers wait until there is more light?  That seems probable.  If one must scoop dog poop, one would want to be able to see it.  I also think that as in-person school resumes across the nation, we have fewer people vacationing in the short term rentals in the neighborhood, and fewer dogs here with vacationers.

On Monday, I made this Facebook post:  "Early morning, just before sunrise, a gray, grizzled guy on a big Harley rides by, strains of music trailing behind. No, not "Born to Be Wild" or "Bad to the Bone." Nope, early REM: "Radio Free Europe" or "Don't Go Back to Rockville." The torch has been passed."

It is strange to think that the bands I once saw as so cutting edge--REM, the Police, on and on I could go--are now staples of classic rock stations that no one under the age of 50 listens to.  What will music look like 40 years from now?  What will it sound like, and how will it be delivered.

Time will tell.  But in the meantime, off to work I go, loaded down with lap top and cell phone.  It's a passing of a different kind of torch.

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