Sunday, September 19, 2021

Shifting To-do Lists and Other Adventures in Adulting

A year ago, I'd be awaking to the news of the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg and getting on the road to a different beach, Hilton Head Island in South Carolina.  My mom knows how to work the time share game, and we had a great condo at a lovely resort.  It was the first time that any of us had been in person with anyone outside of our pandemic pod, and it was wonderful. 

This year, my father-in-law and step-mom-in-law are doing something similar.  They will stay at a condo in Hollywood Beach, and I'm not sure how the family get-togethers will circulate through the week.  I'm trying to stay open, while at the same time, not wasting any scrap of time, since I have a lot of projects percolating right now.

Last year, I remember thinking that we were launching ourselves into a wonderful autumn:  I was looking forward to a quilting retreat, extended family at Thanksgiving, and Christmas.  I'm glad that I didn't know that both Thanksgiving and Christmas would be canceled.

This year, I understand our tenuous state, but I'm trying to move forward.  In the past week, we put our house on the market, and we've had 3 offers this week.  We accepted one, and now we wait for the progress to move forward.  Yesterday I thought we would go back to the house and move some of the remaining stuff (we have left it staged, so there's some furniture, some pictures, some books, and various other things to move), but we worked on other projects.

I took the car in to the shop.  It had a slow leak in one tire, and I knew the car was overdue for an oil change.  I always feel like I've achieved some peak level of adultness when I get the car in for car care.  Later in the day, I did sweeping and mopping in the new condo, which also made me feel like I moved up a level in adultness.

In between those basic chores, I did some work for seminary classes, made some leftover veggie stir fry into a pasta dish for lunch, and relaxed with my spouse, watching clips from Norm Macdonald on Conan O'Brien's show.  And then, later in the afternoon, it was time for my monthly meeting with my small group for my spiritual direction certificate program.  It was a good session.

So, as with many days, I got done some of the stuff I wanted to get done, while other stuff will slide to another day's to-do list.  Life can work this way, right? 

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