Saturday, November 6, 2021


Last night, I popped downstairs to go to the Publix pharmacy to get my booster shot.  While I was waiting to make sure I had no adverse effects, I let the blood pressure machine take that measurement.  I was relieved that my blood pressure was in the normal range because a few weeks ago, it was in the borderline range.  I had hoped that the borderline measurement was a fluke, and I still hope that, but I'll keep monitoring.

There have been other moments of relief this week.  We got a shipment of paper this week.  When I made the office supply order, I added 1 box of paper (a box contains 6 reams) to get the cost to where we would get the free shipping.  Much to my surprise, 21 boxes came.  I knew I didn't mean to order that many.  I distinctly remembered looking at the total cost, and it was not what 21 boxes of paper would be.  I went ahead and accepted the order; we'll use paper eventually.

I went back and looked at the order.  Sure enough, 21 boxes.  Could I have transposed numbers somehow?  Come to find out, the person on our end who approves/finalizes the order added the extra paper, but didn't tell me.  He's lucky I didn't reject the shipment.

Another moment of relief:  finding the book that was lost, the book that I needed to refer to in my discussion post due today in Hebrew Bible class.  I thought I had added it to the stack of seminary books, but last night, after I got home from my shot, I couldn't find it.  I searched through the stack of books several times.  I looked several other places:  the table where I had been reading it, the nightside table where my spouse might have put it if I left it out.  Not there.  I sat down and wrote what I could without it.  I searched again.  I wrote some more.  And then, I thought about my computer bag.  Sure enough, there it was.  I must have tucked it in there in the hope that I might have time to write yesterday at lunch.

I was able to get the discussion post finished, and I'll read it one last time before posting it today.  Today should be a good day:  a Zoom session with my quilt group, seminary writing, and then we need to make a push to get everything out of the house that still remains.  It looks like we will be closed by Nov. 17, and I will be out of town next week-end.  We left a few things in the house, like pictures on the wall and books on the shelves, in case the sale fell through.  I also need to look in every cabinet, just in case.

Part of me does think that if I've lived without it for the last 3 months, maybe I don't need it.  But I also know that the buyer gets one last walk through, and I don't want to be moving these items on the night before we close.

Last night, as I waited for the pharmacist to give me the booster shot, I thought about how much has changed since I got the first shot in March.  Back then, I had applied to seminary and been accepted, but I wouldn't go to the candidacy committee until July.  Back then, the real estate market was just heating up, and we weren't thinking of selling our house.  Back then, my school had just been bought by new owners who planned to close my campus; I figured I would have a job until the lease ran out in September or maybe if I was lucky, until December.

Where will we be 7.5 months from now?  

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