Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Thanksgiving Travel, In Process, in this, Our Second Covid Year

This time yesterday, we would have already been on the road.  In South Florida, if possible, I want to leave by 4 a.m., or at least, no later than 5 a.m.  Otherwise, it's impossible to avoid traffic delays at the very beginning.

So yesterday, we loaded the last items in the car, and off we went.  We drove and drove, through morning mists and later, the foreboding clouds that told of a cold front approaching.  We stopped, briefly, in Savannah for gas and a Taco Bell lunch.  In the past, I might have made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but the bread was moldy, and on Sunday, I didn't feel like buying another loaf.

We did not go all the way to the mountains yesterday.  Our reservation doesn't start until today.  So yesterday, we drove to South Carolina, where we met my parents, and we drove around the outskirts of the capital city, a town we've all lived in at various points.  We ate a delicious dinner at Lizards Thicket, a veggie heavy dinner that did leave us feeling weighted down.

We have some odd problems with internet connectivity.  My computer can hit the internet at the hotel, but my spouse's cannot.  He needs to teach this morning, live, from the room before we leave.  He can use my computer, if the tech support folks can reset his password, because he can't remember it.

I feel strange being here, where we have friends and family, but we're not seeing them.  That's the conundrum of our Thanksgivings:  we can't see everyone.  This year, with some of us feeling OK to gather and others not, it is even more of a conundrum.

Hopefully I will be back in January to finish my onground intensive for the spiritual direction certificate program.  I say hopefully because as we know, so much could interfere.  And then it's on to the 2nd term of seminary, as my spiritual life/career heads in a different direction.

I've gotten some grading done, in case I don't have internet connectivity for the rest of the week.  And I've downloaded what I need to work on the seminary paper that is due on Monday.

I feel like I've forgotten how to travel. I've had weak coffee, followed by weak tea, because I decided to rely on what the hotel provides.  It could be worse.

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