Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Paper Straws in Plastic Cups and Other Metaphors of Modern Life

I've been at a resort with my family.  My mom is great at organizing these get togethers, and I am grateful.  This morning, let me record some thoughts which I don't feel like developing into a single blog post of deeper diving:

--The other morning I looked at the shampoo that the resort provides, shampoo which brags of the sea minerals that it contains.  Ten years ago, the shampoo bragged of the minerals that it derived from the seeds of apples and pears.  I am willing to bet that both shampoos contain exactly the same ingredients, but with different scents provided via some sort of chemical.

--This resort seems to have more daily activities.  Yesterday, my mom, sister, and I went to an event that was billed as "Abstract Painting on Canvas."  We had to choose our 3 paint colors in advance.  I had a vision of following instructions, like, "Choose a color and paint a line that reminds you of life's great sadness."  But it wasn't that at all.  We got 3 small cups with our paint colors, and the person in charge poured glue thinned with water into the cups.  We stirred them with popsicle sticks to combine, and then we dumped the 3 cups of paint into a larger cup.  We went to a trash can where we held a square canvas board over the cup and turned it over.  When we pulled the cup away, voila!  An abstract painting.  

--It was interesting to see the different shapes and swirls.  Is this similar to the Paint Pouring that so many of my creative friends have loved?  In fact, it is.  I'm glad to have experienced it, although it's too messy for me to do as a regular practice.

--We have been ordering drinks from the bar, in part because we're on vacation, and in part because it's easier than buying all the ingredients ourselves.  This resort uses paper straws, which means I get one good suck through the straw before it turns to mush.  I am not opposed to sustainable living and things made of paper which biodegrades more quickly than plastic.  But as I hold the plastic cup with a paper straw, I do have to wonder at the strange choices we're making.

--Of course, if I go down that train of thinking, it's hard to enjoy one's time at a resort.  So much waste.  Such a heavy carbon footprint.  Of course, the same is true of much of our lives.

--Paper straws will not save the planet, and I've known for decades that individuals can't do much on their own to reduce global warming.  The big corporations, particularly petrochemical ones, will need to step up their game.  Clearly we are doomed, so we may as well have plastic straws in our plastic drink cups.

--But maybe I'm giving up too easily.  I've been reading the songs of praise for Archbishop Tutu, and it's good to remember that sometimes, one individual person can make a huge difference.

--Do more famous people die at the end of the year?  Or does it just seem that way because I have some days off and time to contemplate?

--A week from now, if all goes according to plan, I will be at the onground intensive in Columbia, SC.  It will be the last requirement for my certificate in spiritual direction.  As this variant has surged, I have wondered if once again, we would pivot to online, but so far, we have both options.  I wonder how many people will attend in person.

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