Sunday, January 16, 2022

A Universe, in Fabrics

One of the highlights of the week-end intensive that I attended the first week of January was the chance to spend time with a good Create in Me friend on the day before the intensive began.  We are both quilters, so on that Tuesday, we went to find a quilt shop in Lexington, SC.  We ended up at Jessamine Quilt Shop, a space which had more compelling fabrics under one roof than I've seen in a long, long time, a universe in the form of fabrics.

I didn't have my camera with me, so I couldn't capture the clever way that the quilt shop transformed the bottom level of a house into the shop and the studio space for lessons.  

The owner told me about this fabric, a story so compelling that I had to buy a yard.  Each small strip represents a batik pattern used in the past year.  I love the idea of preserving a year of batik this way.

Oh, who am I kidding?  It was the colors that drew me in, and I'd have bought a yard, even without the compelling story.  And yes, the above picture is blurry.

I was attracted to the other two fabrics because they reminded me of the sketches I had been creating throughout the past 15 months.  Here are all 3 fabrics:

And here's a sketch from December 2020:

And here's one from more recently, in late 2021:

I don't have a plan for the fabric, but it delighted me, and I'm happy that I got it.  I have a vague vision of a quilt, like this one, which is my favorite that I've ever made:

Stay tuned!

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