Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Jezebel, Air Fryers, Filing Cabinets of Doom, and Other Observations

These past 2 weeks, I've gotten back to reading for seminary classes, and it's led to some interesting observations, while at the same time, our whole campus has been sorting, trying to determine what is worth saving and what is detritus.  As I occasionally do, let me preserve these Facebook posts/Tweets.

--Back in the seminary swing of things, reading 1 and 2 Kings, as one does on one's lunch break. When I read that King Omri sinned more than all those before him (1 Kings: 11), and those before him killed all of the royal families that they replaced, among other problematic deeds, I ask, what did Omri do that was so much worse? The text doesn't give specifics, and perhaps I should be glad about that.

             (a later response by me to my previous post) As I kept reading, the sons kept getting worse and worse. I have to assume that the authors will soon come to the logical conclusion that it's time to let the daughters have a chance at ruling. Surely they can't be worse? (and yes, my tongue is firmly in my cheek; I realize the authors of 1 and 2 Kings will come to no such conclusion).

--Today for my lunch reading, it's Jezebel, yes, that Jezebel, plus a NYT review of how the air fryer took over the U.S. Interesting juxtapositions abound, but I will likely leave some of them out of the response video on Jezebel that I need to create for this week's seminary class.

--Queen Just Adele--Blackboard LMS heard my seminary professor say Queen Jezebel and captioned it this way.
                    And later, Jezebel is Joseph Bell. Hmmm.

                   God is Guide, according to closed captioning.

                   And to finish Jazzy Bells speaks to the profits

--When I took this college administrator job in 2016, I inherited a filing cabinet full of files of past faculty members and potential faculty members. Today, I am finally sorting those files--by which I mean I am putting them in a box to be shredded later. Even if I had a job to offer, those people who were interested in part-time teaching work in 2014 are likely not waiting on me to call with an offer.

--Why does every administrator's office I've ever had come with a filing cabinet of doom? Is it a poem waiting to be born, a portent, or just coincidence? Maybe every structure comes with a filing cabinet of doom, but I only noticed when I became an administrator and started looking for past secrets.

--I thought about this day a year ago, even before I saw this post, about how incredibly moving it was, but even more so, sharing it with others in the conference room, people who were weeping just the same way I was(Biden inauguration anniversary)

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