Sunday, January 23, 2022

Sunday Snapshots from a Week of a House Sale and a Video Sermon

It's been a week of ups and downs.  Let me write a blog post to capture some of it.

--We were supposed to close on the house on Tuesday.  As we were at the lawyer's office signing documents, the request for more time came from the buyer--ugh.  So we spent time redoing documents throughout the week, and not being sure we would actually close.  But we did.

--We sold the house.  The money was disbursed at 4:50 on Friday afternoon.  The owner was supposed to sign her part of the documents at 2:30, so it was an anxious few hours on Friday.  But we sold the house!

--So, how does one celebrate selling a house?  By going to bed early, of course.

--Yesterday, we spent hours in the afternoon watching Love It or List It, which we might have done, whether or not we sold the house.  I would have really liked to have known where each house was located.  From show to show, such variation in housing costs, for houses that all looked similar.

--It's also been a week of interesting creativity.  I wrote this poem, which seems both like a rough draft to me, yet also finished.  I tend to overexplain, in both poetry and life.  Maybe I should shut up.

Late January
last remaining Christmas lights
a bit more bedraggled
than festive, like the last maple
tree blazing into December,
hoping to convince
the others who have already shed
their leaves.

--I also created a video sermon that considers Simon Peter's mother-in-law.  You may or may not remember that she is healed by Jesus, and then gets up to serve everyone.  My first and more traditional response is to see her as an oppressed woman.  But since I spent much of the week thinking about her, this thought bubbled up:  what if she's a wise elder, teaching Jesus, showing him a new direction for ministry?  Here's that video segment.

To see the whole sermon, go here.

--There's also been some cooking.  Later today, we will eat the Steak and Guinness stew which is bubbling in the oven, and will bubble in the oven for the next several hours.   Ah, the joy of a chilly day!

--Looking back, I'm amazed that I could get anything done this week, with housing anxiety and construction noise at work.  But I was able to do some creative stuff, along with starting seminary classes again.

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