Thursday, September 8, 2022

Waiting for the Locksmith

Soon I will go for a walk.  Yesterday, I spent the whole day in my seminary apartment, waiting for the locksmith, so I need to get a walk in.  I'll go up to Wegmans and get a few items to finish the week.  I hope to do more substantial shopping this week-end when I'm back in North Carolina.

The locksmith did come, but the new lock won't be here until this morning.  Hopefully we can get the problem solved today.  It's good to know that it's not just my imagination that the lock is difficult.

Yesterday was a good day to stay close to the apartment.  All day, the sky looked like it might storm.  We never did get a storm, but it was lovely staying inside, watching the sky, baking bread, sending out poems for possible publication, updating my Books Read list and my offline journal.

Plus, my sister called.  She was in the neighborhood for a follow up appointment and wondered if she could drop by.  I was happy that I was home and could say yes. She had seen the apartment when we dropped off boxes a few weeks ago.  It was cool to be able to show her how I had settled in.  Plus, we had a good chat.

I got my reading for Church History class done.  I checked and doublechecked my class shells to make sure I was caught up on assignments.  I'm never caught up for long, but I'm caught up this morning.

Along the way, I heard of deaths.  Anne Garrels has died.  She was an NPR reporter, going to unsafe places I never would dare to venture.  Peter Straub died, and his daughter Emma created a powerful tribute thread to him.  On Facebook, I heard of the death of a pastor, who happened to be a friend from college.  We had fallen out of touch, and when I heard his death, I regretted that I hadn't tried to regain contact when Facebook helped so many of us reconnect.

The sky is getting lighter.  Let me get ready for a walk.  And then I'll wait for the locksmith.

It could be worse.  In 2017, I was waiting for the arrival of Hurricane Irma.  I'm glad not to have that anticipation.

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