Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Walking the Cathedral Grounds

Two months ago, I would be putting the last items in the last box and sealing it.  I would be struggling not to succumb to my anxiety about the moving van coming on time.  A few hours later, the moving van would come, and the rest of the day would flow smoothly.  Two months ago, I would wake up in the rented Hollywood condo for the last time.  I looked across the dark courtyard and saw the opposite concrete condo tower, all dark.  I listened to the incessant churn of everyone's air conditioner that vented onto that courtyard.

This morning I got up early and looked across the dark parking lot; the top floor of the library is visible from my windows, and it's lit up throughout the night, even though it's not open.  Later I went for a walk.  I headed down Massachusetts Avenue to the National Cathedral.  

I liked this juxtaposition:

I'm happy that it's an easy walk.  In October, on Sunday afternoons, the Cathedral offers Evensong, which I plan to attend.

Today will be a stick around the apartment day.  I've got schoolwork to take care of, and tonight I have some Zoom meetings.  But later this afternoon, I'll take another walk, in another direction.  I loved this artsy space I discovered yesterday.

I love that someone would take the time to decorate an alley which is secluded from view:

And at another house, these direction markers to point us on our way:

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