Saturday, October 8, 2022

A Week of Large Gratitudes and Small Sadnesses

It has been an up and down week for me--but I hasten to say that even the down times are not the soul-shattering kinds of down times.  It's a wistful kind of down time, thinking about how higher ed used to be in pre-pandemic times, feeling sad about what has fallen away.  But let me record my week's gratitudes, while I still remember them.  I'll also make brief notes about some of the sadnesses, if the gratitude triggered the sadness.

--This week the leaves have gotten down to the work of the season, changing colors.  I had forgotten what it's like to watch a tree (or whole neighborhoods of trees) change colors.  It's a slow process, and it delights me.  Here's the view from my apartment windows:

And a close up of what's actually happening on parts of the tree:

--It's been great having the hybrid students on campus for a week.  Tuesday through Friday, I went to the refectory for breakfast that was offered to all students, faculty, and staff, and we talked about the future of the church, possible careers, all the kinds of conversations I imagined having if I was lucky enough to attend seminary in person.

--I felt a bit sad yesterday afternoon as the campus emptied out again.  So I went to the Montgomery county public library branch that I discovered a week ago, and sure enough, they were willing to give me a library card if I showed them my student ID and a piece of mail that showed that I was getting mail on campus--for free!  

--And even better, they had a copy of The Displacements, Bruce Holsinger's novel about a massive hurricane hitting Miami.  I came home and read for a bit to take my mind off the fact that the parking lot had emptied out during the time I was at the library.  I am glad I didn't spend full cover price when the book first came out this summer.

--After I read for a bit, I decided I needed/wanted a special treat, so I walked to my favorite ice cream place that I discovered the first week of seminary classes, the week I went there twice.  

I had the same thing I always have (so far):  a scoop of mint chocolate chip and a scoop of coffee with hot fudge sauce.

--On my walk back, I bumped into (not literally) a classmate who had been down at the same shopping center having a coffee.  We walked back to campus together.

--As we parted, she said, “If you ever go for ice cream again, I’d love to come with you. Maybe before you leave for reading week?”

You don’t have to ask me twice—I said, “How about Wednesday? Wednesday at 2—we can meet in this courtyard and walk together?” She nodded enthusiastically, and I nodded, and I now have an ice cream outing planned.

--It's been a week of wildlife in the neighborhood sightings.  Early in the week, I saw a beautiful fox near a neighborhood community garden.  We stared at each other for 10 seconds before a man walking his dog scared the fox away.  Thursday morning, I went for an early morning walk through the very upscale neighborhood next to the seminary. I heard footsteps behind me, and expected to see a pedestrian and/or a dog (less worried about muggers). I turned around, and there was a deer, standing close enough I could have leaned forward to touch him. Its head was the height of my shoulders. We looked at each other for 20 seconds, then he ran down a driveway. I say "he" because he had little nubs that will become antlers.  Friday morning, I was still on campus when I saw a deer, and this time, I was able to get a picture, lots of pictures:

--I had a good week in terms of my studies too--lots of positive feedback on my writing and thinking.  My week of classes ended on a high note, with an invigorating Church History I class, the kind of class where I'm happy to be meeting in person.

--And now we have a week off of class--Reading Week!  I will use the time to get ahead on my writing and to see family.  I'll also make a quick trip back to our cozy house in the mountains.  I'm the one who loves to drive, so I'll make the drive down I 81 and see what the leaves have been up to in my absence.

1 comment:

  1. We're getting a new ice cream place within walking distance of church. When it opens, I am going to insist that all staff meetings be held there.
    I hope you'll post more pics of the leaves as fall sets in even more.
