Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Grace Notes and Halloween Walks

It has been a blurry kind of morning.  I have spent more time than I usually do scrolling through Twitter, delighting in everyone's lovely memories of Angela Lansbury who died yesterday.  I hope to be remembered the way that she has been:  gracious, kind, gentle, along with being amazingly talented across decades and genres.

My brain feels a bit blurry too because I'm trying to make significant progress on class projects before I leave for North Carolina tomorrow.  I'm looking forward to the trip across the mountains; I think it's about peak leaf season now.

For both my Genogram assignment and the paper I wrote for my Church History class, I've done more moving of chunks of text than I usually do.  With both papers, I'm realizing I wrote a chunk that belongs in a different section.  This may be a feature of having assignments that the professor has broken down into parts we're supposed to address, but the parts have some overlapping features.  It's somewhat maddening, but I am grateful to have clear instructions, even if I need to move chunks of text around.

I'm finding myself a bit more anxious too.  I always worry that I'm making the writing worse.  Perhaps I'm also feeling fretful because I got my exegesis back with my professor's comments for my Foundations of Preaching class.  Her commentary was correct, but my inner good girl student feels anxious because I didn't write the perfect paper.

I am grateful that the weather is good this week.  It's been good to go on a walk and get out of my head.  The surrounding neighborhoods have gone from the occasional pumpkin to full blown Halloween assemblages.  The other night, I walked after my Zoom call with my small group from the spiritual director certificate program.  What a delight to see the Halloween lights!

So I did it again last night.  Does this process always recharge my brain?  No.  But it's a treat in so many ways.

Now that the sun is almost up, let me head out again--I've got another full writing day ahead.

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