Sunday, October 2, 2022

My Week-end in Fabric

My floor is covered with threads--and more!

On Friday, I was feeling a bit tired, the kind of tired that comes from running errands, working on seminary writing, feeling like I should also be working on my own creative writing/publishing, reading hurricane articles and feeling some of my own post-storm hurricane recovery trauma come bubbling up.  I felt like I needed to get away from the computer screen, and I wished I had already sorted the unpacked box of fabric.  I decided to see what was in there, since I packed the box back in June and couldn't really remember.

The me who packed the box was kind to future me.  I had the back of the quilt folded separately with the batting.  I had put the strips that I had already sewn together into a separate bag, the bag that I once used to collect fabric, before I got so much of it that I had to put it in a box.

I found it so soothing to get my hands back on fabric.  I'm pleased to say that I actually got some sewing done this week-end, along with seminary reading and writing:

On Saturday, I was feeling a similar tiredness, for many of the same reasons, plus the late afternoon sadness that sometimes creeps up on me (a mix of missing people and homesickness, often for places/situations that no longer exist along with a bit of feeling like I've made stupid choices).  I decided to cue up a show to watch while I attempted sewing for the first time since I broke my wrist back in April.  I had some movies saved on Kanopy (a public library way to access movies), but I decided to go with Fleabag.

I know, I know--it's been out for years, and why has it taken me so long?  Well, gone are the days that I'm keeping up with popular culture in real time.  Some times it works in my favor--I've avoided a lot of waste-of-time pop culture.  Sometimes, though, I hear so much about a work that I decide I can't be bothered.  Sometimes I don't want to be late to the pop culture party, so I avoid a work.  Lately, I haven't had huge swaths of time to watch something--and often, lately, my spouse and I have watched a billion hours of home improvement or cooking shows instead of committing to a movie or a TV series.

I thoroughly enjoyed my Saturday night:  watching season 1 of Fleabag and stitching by hand.  I did wonder if the noise carried, but it was early enough on Saturday evening (I finished watching season 1 at 9 pm) that I didn't worry about disturbing people--I did worry that someone might assume those raised voices were me arguing with someone or having other interactions.

This morning, when I watched season 2, I decided to watch at my desk so that I could keep the sound turned down.  When I go back to my North Carolina house for part of reading week, I'll see if I have an extra HDMI cable; I do think that streaming through the computer to the TV would be better.  Last night I had the computer sitting on a kitchen chair so that I could watch from the living room furniture.

It's a rainy day so far, with more rain called for the afternoon--maybe I'll get more quilting done, along with the seminary writing I must get done.

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