Saturday, November 12, 2022

A Quick Look at Quilt Camp So Far

 I will soon go to the Faith Center so that I can spend the day sewing long, straight seams.  But first, let me record a few impressions with a few pictures.

--We had feared a more ferocious tropical storm than the one we got.  Instead, it was just a rainy day.  Happily, we hadn't come to camp to go backpacking.  We had planned to stay inside and sew.  And that's what we did.

--I've been using the window shutters in a way that planners probably didn't anticipate.  But it's a great way of seeing how my long panels work together.

--I've enjoyed seeing other people's projects.  These Christmas trees speak to my soul.  

--I have a vision of trees for each season, using this pattern.

--We've also been creating hearts, which we'll use in our closing worship.  

--I like them because they're allowed to be imperfect.  You may be familiar with these kinds of hearts, because apparently, it's a whole movement, creating these quilted hearts and leaving them in places, like hospitals and schools, where they will cheer the people who find them.  

--What will today bring?  More sewing!  Will I assemble a quilt top before it's done?  Stay tuned!

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