Monday, November 7, 2022

Inspirations from the Labyrinth

The labyrinth at St. Columba's has been finished for several weeks, and I've been meaning to go over and walk it.  But for the last several weeks, I have been walking later in the day, when the church is busier, the streets are busier, the temperatures warmer.  Plus, there have been such lovely Halloween decorations to see.

This morning, as I went out at the new sunrise time, I thought I'd wander over and see how it felt to walk the labyrinth on the day before election day.  Even though there were some people walking by, and we could see each other, I didn't feel self-conscious.  Occasionally I heard traffic noises, but it wasn't too invasive.

I didn't have much in the way of insights, except for that it's hard to be meditative when thinking about selfies and camera shots.  But I did feel some of my anxiety sink away.

Last night I realize that my computer wasn't saving documents the way that it should.  And I found out when I loaded a document to a class, only to realize it was the wrong one--and it's the class where I can't unload it.  It's happened before, so I wrote to my professor and e-mailed it to him.  I do wonder what he thinks of me, having this issue twice.  Of course, he didn't fix the issue with the course shell.  Sigh.

So, all of that was making me anxious, along with my other anxieties that are never too far away.  In some ways, I'm less anxious, now that I don't have a job where I have to manage people.

As I walked back, thinking about how the leaves falling reveals birds' nests, I got some ideas for the sermon on Isaiah that I'll be writing once I get this exegesis done.  Is it because I walked the labyrinth?  Let's say that it is, so that I'll have motivation to keep walking labyrinths.

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