Thursday, November 10, 2022

Journey Back to Quilt Camp

When I left Quilt Camp back in April, I had plans to get my quilt top finished and the quilt pinned together by the end of April.  Then I fell and broke my wrist on April 15.  It's only been in the last month or so that I could sew at all, and even a month ago, I had more trouble threading a needle than I did last night.  It's been a slow recovery, but I'm grateful for the recovery.

Yesterday morning I left DC early and headed to North Carolina.  Since I have a house at Lutheridge, I'm staying in it, instead of paying for guest housing.  I got home, unloaded the car, enjoyed lunch and some time with my spouse, and then went over to the Faith Center to get set up.

My set up is much easier than some people's.  I sew by hand, so I didn't need to bring a sewing machine.  I don't iron much, so I left the iron and the ironing board--well, I'm not sure where our iron is.  I did sort through the big box of fabric for my current quilt, and I wondered if I had a plan once upon a time.

I don't really need a plan, so I started putting strips of fabric together and sewing. It was so soothing.  Later, I look forward to looking at everyone else's projects.  Here's the view from my work table; there's a window behind me:

I will be doing a bit of seminary work while I'm here, but I got the bulk of what needs to be done for this week done earlier in the week.  I just need to tweak my Isaiah exegesis a bit more before I turn it in, respond to a Church History discussion post, and write a journal entry for that class.  I'll also do a bit of work for the weeks to come.

It's sobering to realize how little time is left--not because I have a lot to do, but because it feels like I just moved my stuff into my seminary apartment a week or two ago.  It's also sobering to think about the last time I was at quilt camp and how much has changed since April:  broken wrist, big move to North Carolina after purchasing a house here, big move to my seminary apartment, finishing some seminary classes, and almost done with others.  Wow.


  1. Yay for Quilt Camp! It's great that your wrist is so much better. I had wrist surgery in February and today I realized that I am now able to snap my fingers...not very convincingly, but it's progress!
