Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Thanksgiving Week Gratitudes: the Tuesday Version

It is strange not to be in the car today, on this Tuesday before Thanksgiving.  Some years we would have gotten up very early to make a 12 hour drive in one day.  Other years, we've broken the trip up into smaller units.

Today, we have a house that's less than a mile from where my family will gather.  Once we came to this Lutheran camp because it was a central meeting place.  Now it's less central, but we still come here for many reasons.  It's hard to find a house that's big enough for all of us that is affordable in the same way.  But probably the main reason that we come is because we always have, at least since about 1994.

I am grateful to have had time this morning to work on my sermon that's due just after our Thanksgiving break.  I am grateful not to be spending 12 hours in a car.  I am grateful that so many family members can come. 

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