Saturday, November 19, 2022


I am tired this morning, and I'm wondering why I am tired, since I went to sleep at 7 p.m. last night and slept until 4 a.m.  Of course, I also drove 8 hours yesterday, just days after I drove 8 hours on Monday.  It's a lovely drive through the mountains in many ways, but it is tiring.

On Thursday, I took 2 Covid tests, both negative.  The first one I did in the morning, and by afternoon, there was a strange line, a curved line, that hadn't been there in the morning.  Just in case, in the evening, I did another one, that gave me one dark line, on the stick where you only want 1 dark line.  The Montgomery county public library gives out free test kits, and I'm so grateful to be able to zip the 2 miles to get them.  I'm grateful for their parking lot, which makes popping in to get a test kit or a book so much easier.

On Wednesday I walked down to the branch of my bank to get some cash, only to find that it had closed recently.  I went back, got in the car, and went to a branch that was supposed to have a drive-thru--but you could only access it through the parking garage.  Very odd.  I did find a spot in the neighborhood to park.

I needed cash because I decided it was time to figure out the laundry room situation.  The machines are operated with a card, and the card machine only takes cash--and to buy a card, one needs $10.  Ugh.  But once I got that figured out, I was able to get a load of laundry done and hung up on my drying rack.

I also made bread on Wednesday, but ran out of flour.  I remembered a yeast bread recipe that I made long ago that had a similar stickiness, so I decided to bake it and see what happened.  It turned out quite good; I wish I had some now, but I stashed the uneaten slices in the freezer.

On Wednesday, I made this Facebook post, which I want to remember:  "Reading about Charlemagne for Church History class. He was crowned on Christmas day in the year 800--so I'm listening to Christmas music (Oscar Peterson's Christmas album) and drinking mulled cider while I read. Of course, there's the tiniest chance I would have been listening to Christmas music, regardless of the Church History reading."

So, yes, I am tired.  Let me collect some thoughts for a Church History I journal entry that's due today.  Let me conserve my energy for the tasks ahead:  grading, getting ready for Thanksgiving, thinking about the last items due for my seminary classes.

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