Sunday, December 4, 2022

Ahead, Behind, Semesters Coming to a Close

I am having one of those mornings where I thought, wait, I was ahead of my various schedules--why do I suddenly feel behind?  In part, it's because it's Sunday, and as with many Sundays, I haven't gotten as much done as I had planned.  I still have time--just not as much time as I had a week ago, two weeks ago.  One of my online classes ended yesterday, and while I have time to get grades turned in, it's a reminder of time passing, endings in view.

So, I did what I have trained myself to do:  I graded 2 batches of student papers, the shorter ones.  And now I feel a bit more at ease.

And I'm reminding myself that I've done some work, even if I haven't started the actual writing yet.  I've gotten the books from the library and downloaded the periodical articles.  I have to create a timeline for Church History I class with 30 people, events, movements, evenly divided over the 1500 years we've studied (10 from years 1-500, 10 from years 500-1000, and 10 from years 1000-1500), so I've made some lists and done a lot of thinking--and this work helps me study for the final exam.  I've preached my final sermon and have a small piece of writing to do.  I have several papers to write, and I know what I plan to say.

It's also good to remember that I only have this work to do--the weekly work of getting ready for the classes where I am a student is behind me.  While I still have a few classes to attend, I've already done the work, the weekly readings and the writings.

For the paper for my Pastoral Care and Counseling class, I'm writing on Fleabag, which means I should re-watch season 2, the focus for my paper.  I'm in the mood to do some quilting on my big quilt.  Happily, I can quilt and re-watch--and still make it to church!

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