Friday, December 16, 2022

Screen Time

My sister wrote me to say that if the temperature had been a bit colder yesterday, we'd have gotten a ton of snow.  Indeed--something was falling out of the sky all day, literally, yesterday.  It was mostly rain, with a bit of sleet and ice.

Happily, I didn't need to leave my seminary apartment, so I didn't, except to go downstairs to the laundry room to do one load of clothes.  I was surprised at the end of the day to find out how tired I was.  Of course, sitting in front of the computer screen all day is not exactly renewing.

You may wonder why I was in front of the computer screen.  My spouse and I had a consult with Anderson windows in the morning.  My spouse met the Anderson rep in person at our North Carolina house, and I was able to join them by way of a Facebook video call.

In the afternoon, I went to my last class of Creative Process, Spiritual Practice class, which had to be converted to a Zoom call.  While I was happy to be able to have the class, it would have been better to meet in real life.  It was the day we were presenting our final projects, and I'd have liked to have seen the projects and my classmates in person.  But a Zoom call is better than nothing.

In between I was watching a movie.  In the morning, I felt a bit tired, so I started watching Ammonite, another bout of staring at the computer screen.  I finished watching it in the afternoon.  I had thought about watching Little Women in the evening, but I was tired, and opted for an early bedtime.

Ammonite is a great movie.  Kate Winslet is amazing--and has been for decades.  She is our Emma Thompson, our Judy Dench.  I loved the depiction of 19th century life--made me more deeply appreciative of our 21st century.

In the late afternoon, I tried to study for my Church History I final exam.  That's how I discovered how fried my brain felt.  I'll do studying both this morning and afternoon, and a bit more tomorrow morning before I take the exam.  I've got until 11:59 p.m. tomorrow, but of course I'm not going to wait that long.

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