Saturday, February 11, 2023

A Quick Trip back to North Carolina

Yesterday I got up at my usual early morning hour and brewed a pot of coffee.  But unlike other mornings, I poured the coffee in a thermos, put my contacts in, and headed down the road.  I am making a quick trip to North Carolina this week-end for the wedding of one of my Create in Me friends.

Happily, her wedding is at 4 today.  We're under a winter weather advisory, but it doesn't start until 7 p.m.  The church is less than a mile from our house, so we'll be O.K.  We probably won't leave the house tomorrow though:  I'm expecting a wintry mix, and given the state of automobile related purchases and repairs in the country right now, I don't want to risk having an accident.

Because there is a winter weather advisory, I've packed more books than I usually would.  Because the high on Monday is forecast to be in the 50's, I don't really expect to be snowed in here for very long.  But if I am, I'm ready to work on projects that don't require internet access.  

I may leave later than usual on Monday, just in case there are icy patches--again, I don't want to risk car repairs/replacements.  Happily, my class on Monday is at 6:30 p.m, and it's by way of Zoom, so I have flexibility.

It was strange, reflecting on the possibility of wintry weather; when I put my suitcase in the car yesterday morning at 4:45 a.m., the temperature was in the 60's.  It was perfect traveling weather:  overcast but no rain or fog.  I drove, alternating between NPR and various radio stations playing various songs.  I was thinking about "Should I Stay or Should I Go," by the Clash, wondering whether I will ever get to a time when I hear the lyrics and don't think about that indecision as a perfect summary of my current life circumstances.  In the past, it's been about a job more than any other circumstance.  As I drove to my North Carolina house, I had seminary housing on the brain, wondering when we'll lose that building, what the course schedule for fall will look like, and how the North Carolina house renovations are proceeding.

When we moved into the house, we were intrigued by the fact that it has no front door.  And now, it does:

My spouse also built a small deck, so that it's easier to get in and out--here's a view from the side:

And here's the original view of the house before it had a front door:

Now let me get some of my seminary homework done, just in case we lose power and/or internet with this winter storm.

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