Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Early Days of Reading Week

So far, it's been a lovely reading week.  We've had unseasonably warm weather; I'm beginning to wonder if that was it for the winter.  Here in the mountains of North Carolina, as in DC, I see bursts of jonquils and daffodils, and here in NC, I see them in places where I wouldn't have envisioned someone planting them.  Instead of Johnny Appleseed, I have a vision of Dora Daffodil.

We've gone on walks in this unseasonably warm weather--what a treat.  It's the kind of weather that makes us wish for a concert in the park, but what community events planner would plan for such a thing in early March?  So we will content ourselves with walks.

We've also done some planning.  Yesterday we spent several hours on the kitchen remodel.  We looked up widths and heights of potential cabinets.  We explored different counter tops.  We know what we like--we've designed several kitchens before.  We worry that we'll just repeat the same thing.  Actually, that idea doesn't worry me.  We know what we like, after all.

At some point, I need to turn my attention back to all the work that I need to do for seminary.  But I did try to work ahead, so I also want to feel free to relax and reconnect with my spouse.  I have two more online classes that I'm teaching, and they start on March 16.  Happily, I've already done the work of entering in all the dates and other information on the syllabi of each class.

I have been a bit worried about the last 6 weeks of the term--I'm taking 6 seminary classes and teaching 4 online classes at the height of the last 6 weeks.  But everything is not due all at once, so I have hope (and reasonable expectations) that it can all work out.

In short, I won't have much leisure time when I leave here.  Let me enjoy some now.

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