Thursday, March 9, 2023

Mid-Point of Reading Week

In some ways, Reading Week is like any other week, except I haven't had classes to attend.  I've finished a paper on Buddhism, done a less formal journal entry on the lecture for Church History II, done a lot of reading, done some work on an exegesis paper due Monday for my Luke class.  

But unlike the Reading Week back in October, I will spend the entire week here at my house in North Carolina.  I drove down here on Friday with a car load of stuff and got settled in.  The house is under construction, so it's hard to settle in, in some ways.  It's been years since I had a dresser (that will need to change this summer), and the closet that I could use is fairly inaccessible right now--the door is blocked by packages of flooring.

On Friday, we'll go to Lowe's and try to make some kitchen decisions.  Since we suspect that it will take some time to get cabinets delivered, we hope to place an order.  We have spent a lot of time measuring, measuring, measuring.  It's going to be a smaller kitchen than most of the remodeled kitchens we've had, but there will be plenty of work spaces and a dishwasher--and a working stove.

Yesterday I went to church for Bible study.  It was led by a woman who recently retired from the Lutheran seminary in Columbia, SC.  She has an ambitious goal, to lead people through the New Testament.  Obviously, it's more a survey than a deep dive.  Yesterday was the book of Acts, which is not one of my favorites.  The leader began by asking what questions we have about the earliest church, that first century after the Resurrection.  

It was interesting to hear the questions, to know the answers, and to see how the leader handled them.  It's the kind of situation I expect to face often when I'm done with seminary.  It also made me appreciate my seminary classes with the opportunity for wide-ranging exploration of these questions.

It's been interesting to be back here, where I will do the next phases of seminary studies.  I will need better lighting, along with a place for my stuff.  At least I have a solid internet connection.  

Today, in addition to a walk or two to enjoy the lovely weather, we'll do a dump run--time to start getting rid of some of this cardboard that comes as part of doing home renovations.  And later, we'll think about getting rid of some of the heavier stuff, like wood from the staircase demolition.

Right now, let me get another part of my Luke paper done.

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