Thursday, March 23, 2023

Shifting Agricultural Zones

I do not have much time for writing this morning, not the non-academic kind at least.

No time for gallivanting among the cherry blossoms today.  Seminary writing summons me.

But here's a cherry blossom fact that I found sobering:  "Washington’s Yoshino cherry trees aren’t going anywhere, of course. But in garden stores and landscape architecture, the Japanese species isn’t among the varieties being planted in the D.C. region and other parts of the country, he said. Instead, popular cherry trees nowadays are descended from species native to Taiwan, at a latitude hundreds of miles south of Japan’s."  (from this article in The Washington Post)

We are changing our planet in ways that we can scarcely comprehend.  I have hopes that we'll continue to find ways to adapt, like shifting plants to latitudes that are better for them.  

I have fainter hope that we'll manage to stop our accelerated warming so that we don't have to shift plants.

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