Wednesday, April 5, 2023

To Pack Again

In a bit, I will put the last load in the car and head back to North Carolina for Easter break and for the Create in Me retreat next week.  One of the beauties of being a student these days is that I can do the work from anywhere I can find electricity for my laptop and an internet connection.  And so I will head back to my Lutheridge house.  It's one of four trips that I'll make between now and May 15, when I have to vacate this seminary apartment.  

Can I get everything home?  We shall see.  The trick is that I will need much of it until the very end of my time here.  Or maybe not.  I've got the unnecessary stuff in the car right now, the food processor, the pots and pans that are too big for this very small stove with its very small burners, a lot of clothes, the extra quilts and blankets.  The next load at the end of April will be the books that I'm not using.

But first, this trip.  I had planned to go to North Carolina later this week, because we thought there would be window and sliding glass door installation happening today.  Alas, the windows were not on the truck.  So we will wait, and I will go down a bit earlier.

As I've packed, I've thought about what a strange year it's been.  We're approaching the one year anniversary of the fall that shattered my wrist.  When I first packed these boxes in the early summer, I had my arm in a cast.  When I moved these boxes into seminary housing in August, I couldn't lift the very heavy ones--my wrist wasn't strong enough for my hand to hold much of a load.  When I put the empty, flattened boxes into my storage unit downstairs, I thought they'd stay there for the next 2-3 years while I lived here.

Pivot, pivot, pivot again.  It's the story of the last several years.

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