Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Windows Arriving!

We are hopeful that today we make some progress on the home repair/restoration front.  Back in December, we ordered new windows and doors, high price additions that will add energy conservation plus better usability.  For reasons that aren't clear to me (ha ha, no pun intended), the 3 sliding glass door sets along the back wall of the house are clouded and pitted and obscure the view.  When we first arrived, I thought, I'll give these doors a good scrubbing.  That did not work.

We hadn't planned to buy high-end windows, but these will have an R-value of 24--most walls have an R-value of 14-20 when it comes to insulation.  These have various guarantees, and having replaced windows before, we know that the guarantees that come with a reputable company can be worth it.  Of course, if it's a reputable company, you'll likely never need that guarantee.

I'm not sure what to expect in terms of construction chaos, so let me soon turn my attention back to getting some writing done before it starts.  I am making good progress on my World Religions final paper that is due on Sunday.  I had good ideas, but it's always a relief to get them down on paper.

Later today, I'm picking up a Create in Me friend from the airport.  Tomorrow, the retreat starts.  More reasons to shift back to seminary writing.

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