Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Weather Report from a Chilly June

A friend of mine who was a camp director for decades said that this weather is perfect for camp:  cool in the mornings, but warm enough in the afternoon for swimming.

I would still find it a bit chilly for swimming, but then again, I'm not in elementary school.  I have to say that I'm loving this weather.  I have never had a temperate summer in all of my grown up years.  I could take a walk in the morning, if I wear a jacket, or in the afternoon when it's more pleasant.  I'm not sweating through 5 outfits during the course of a day.  I can get in the car without feeling like my flesh will melt.

We've even had to turn on the heat in the last week, just to take the chill off.  Of course, we haven't had to turn the heat on--we could have added another layer of clothing.  I've never been in a place where we've even been tempted to use the heat after March. 

My spouse is not as happy with the chilly June as I am, so I try not to mention it too much.

Hours later:  it's clear I'm not going to be able to muster the focus to say much more this morning, so let me leave it here, a brief weather report.  I did create a poem out of last week's apocalyptic post and some other thoughts, so it hasn't been a total waste of a writing morning.

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