Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Christmas in July

There are so many posts I could write.  Let me make a list for topics I might revisit later.

--I am listening to Paul Simon's latest recording.  Wow.  I've had it for awhile and been enjoying it.  This morning it's hitting all the right poetry vibes or maybe all the right theology vibes--both, actually. This line made me want to weep, thinking of all the times I have not had love as my default position:  "Nothing dies of too much love."

--I have been reading so much coverage of the Barbie movie.  Will I go see it?  Probably not; I am running out of summer free time.  But maybe I'll write a post about Barbie.  Or maybe I'll leave it at this idea, that I loved creating stories for my Barbies, stories that had them going off in the flying camper (the Barbie camper lost its front wheels), going back in time, solving mysteries, having cool careers.

--I could write about Christmas in July, the week that Lutheridge is celebrating.  What a fun time to be at camp!  

--Some of the houses in the residential section are decorated, but since campers won't see our house, we didn't decorate.  It makes me appreciate the neighbors who did even more.

However, I will bake Christmas cookies for counselors this week.  It will be the first thing I bake in the new oven.

--Finally, we have a kitchen that is usable.  We haven't used the new stove much, because our temporary sink was so very small--hard to wash big dishes by hand.  And not having a counter for several months makes me appreciate how much I use the counter to do the prep work.

--I will post pictures of the kitchen later.  Maybe one last kitchen update with before and after.  That kind of thing.

--One of my high school classmates posted a list of all of us--we have a reunion coming up, and they're trying to contact everyone.  The list had "passed" beside those of us who have died--16 out of approximately 300.  It seems like a lot to me, but I have no idea.

--If I'm going to bake, I'd best get to the store to get some supplies.  The butter will need time to soften!

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