Saturday, July 22, 2023

Feast Days and Tomato Festivals

If you came here, hoping for a blog post about Mary Magdalene on her feast day, go to this post from my theology blog.  Later today, I'll finish writing my sermon, and I'll be on the lookout for ways to include her.  It's a sermon about weeds/tares and wheat: 

I'm planning to say something new, something beyond the judgment day kind of interpretation of that parable.  Including Mary Magdalene will do that.  Stay tuned!

In addition to getting some grading done and finishing my sermon, I'm headed over to the Hendersonville Farmer's Market, which is larger than the one that I usually go to in Mills River.  I haven't been finding many vegetables in that farmer's market this summer, and I need to eat some veggies this week.  The Hendersonville Farmer's Market is having a tomato festival today; fingers crossed that I can find some good tomatoes at least.

It's been a week of stress.  On Thursday night, after the stress of not finding the faucet, we bought some delicious pizza from a local pizzeria, Acropolis.  We needed a treat.  Happily, it fed us over two days.  But it did mean I didn't eat much in the way of veggies.

At some point, we should make some decisions about what is going where in the kitchen.  We have increased the amount of space, but if we spread out the dishes, cooking tools and pots/pans, we don't have room for food.  Sigh.  First world problems, I know.

We also got a chance to have the plumber come on Monday--hurrah!  And our washer and dryer arrived yesterday; unfortunately, we still need to create the laundry room before it's usable.  We have a plan.  But I'm anxious, because it involves moving plumbing.  It will make for a better house design eventually, so I'm sitting with my anxiety.

In the meantime, here's the kitchen as it is now, as it awaits the presence of plumbing:

I love the countertop, which is called River Stone.  

It's got blue and black veining, and I'm happy that the blue seems more visible on our counters.  I knew we ran the risk that it would look like white marble with black veins and weird beige blobs.

Let me bring this blobby blog post to a close, so I can go celebrate tomatoes!

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