Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Fourth of July Recap

I woke up this morning feeling more tired than usual.  It wasn't a great night for sleeping--lots of fireworks lasting late into the night.  At one point, I did get up to see if I could see any of them, but I couldn't.

I woke up feeling like I hadn't gotten anything done yesterday, but that's not true.  I went grocery shopping and did my volunteer duty delivering mail to camper cabins (more on that tomorrow).  I loved seeing Fourth of July decorations at some of the cabins.

I watched both of the movies that we'll discuss tonight in my seminary class, Social Justice and Cinema.  The first was Wadjda, a movie I had never heard of and wouldn't have discovered on my own.  It follows a spunky girl who lives in Saudi Arabia and yearns for a bicycle.  Later in the day, we watched Now, Voyager, a Bette Davis film that surprised me with its levels of nuance.

Getting caught up on my film viewing took 4 hours, so it's not surprising that I didn't have lots of time for other things.  We will do more Fourth of July celebrating on Friday, when Lutheridge celebrates with fireworks over the lake, and before that, we're going to a barbecue feast at our neighbor's house.  There's also a parade of sorts.

I also got in a walk in the morning.  I'm having fun looking for blackberry vines, now that I have a sense of what they look like.  Here they are before they turn into blackberries:

At various points yesterday, I thought I was finding lost parts of my self, the naturalist Kristin looking at leaves and identifying birdsong, the camp counselor who takes care of campers, Kristin who plans holiday celebrations with ice cream sundaes and Cracker Jacks.

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