Monday, July 3, 2023

Home Repairs Then and Now

How the seasons have shifted.  Was it just last week that we had to turn on the heat to take the chill off the air in the morning?  And this morning, I turned on the AC, just for a minute, so that I won't sweat through a second set of clothes before 7 a.m.  I realize that our mountain heat is very different, so I won't complain.  But I am glad that we decided to invest in the ultra-modern HVAC system for our mountain house.

I have shifted the washer/dryer delivery for Monday, July 10, instead of this Friday.  Suddenly, this Friday, we have invitations and festive events to attend, like a Fourth of July parade at camp and later, fireworks.  Last year I was sad that we wouldn't get ourselves moved in time for the festive events.  I don't want to miss them this year because I scheduled a delivery on that day.

We have made good progress on house renovations in the past week, but we are at the point where I am tired, tired, tired.  The last time we did major home renovations, I went off to work every day.  That, too, had a stress level, but it was different.  I had a break from the home repair chaos every day.

Of course, I also had work stress.  As I recall, those were months of a boss telling me that if I had had more business classes like he had, maybe I would be a better manager.  Maybe I should think about an MBA?  I asked if the school would pay for it and never got a clear answer.  But as I researched the requirements for an MBA, I felt this absolute despair over how much the degree did not interest me at all.  I thought, if I'm going to do this much work, I'd rather be at seminary.

Little did I know, back then, as 2018 stretched into 2019, how many changes were about to come barreling my way:  a pandemic, the sale of the school, the yes we will keep you in your position or maybe we'll promote you or no we will not dance.

Today I'll finish writing my paper for my seminary class and do some "training" for some Lutheridge tasks that are upcoming--mail delivery duty and being a Bible study leader for middle schoolers in August.  I'll also enjoy this day with family since they leave tomorrow.  I will remember that we can get all of this done.

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