Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Midsummer, Mid July

Yesterday was one of those days when we got to 2:30, and I thought it should be bedtime.  And yet, at the same time, it felt like I got nothing done.  In part, it's because our volunteer mail delivery took longer:  we had the mail delivered, and then the postal carrier brought a new batch, so we did another delivery.

Before the mail delivery, I went over to the laundromat and washed a load of clothes, which I brought back to hang up to dry.  After the mail delivery, I did a quick grocery store run.  By 2:30, I was oddly exhausted.

We've also got another round of wildfire smoke--could that be contributing to my exhaustion?  Yes.  Our air quality is labeled "unhealthy."  What a strange summer.

I did have time to read on the deck.  That was a summer delight.  But by early evening, we wanted to do something to stay awake so that we don't get into an unsustainable habit of going to bed at 6:30.

A few weeks ago, when Alan Arkin died, I remembered how much I loved the film The In-laws, so we watched it last night.  While it was moderately entertaining, I didn't find it hilarious, the way I did back in 1979.

When I remember yesterday, I want to remember my morning walk, picking up a variety of items (dandelion puffs, clover flowers, a few blackberries) that might sprout quickly and putting them in a zip-lock bag I had in my pocket:

I made this Facebook post to explain my project:  "Scientist sermonizer, at your service! This week's Gospel is about the weeds that get mixed in with the wheat, so my sermon visual element requires a bit more thinking ahead. On my walk this morning, I collected dandelion fluffs, clover, and blueberries. I sliced a tomato and saved the seeds. And our birdseed sprouts rather quickly--it started to grow in the crevices of our deck. Will they sprout in time for Sunday? Stay tuned!"

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