Saturday, July 15, 2023

Music Week in Short Segments

At some point, I'll write a more focused blog post on the past week, which was Music Week at Lutheridge.  My parents came for it, and my spouse participated in all the singing.  I participated in all the worship and Bible study.  

But today, let me just capture some highlights of the week in a short segment style.

--It started off cool and rainy and ended blazingly hot, although not nearly as hot as much of the northern hemisphere, not as rainy as in New England.  Each day brought me reminders of why I'm happy to be here.  Each day as I walked back and forth to Music Week events, I watched the ripening progress of the blackberry bushes in the vacant lot.

--Thursday we went to downtown Asheville for a hymnfest and before the event, we ate at the Foggy Mountain Brewpub.  It was delightful!  I felt a bit of stress because I suggested the place, primarily because it was close to the church that was hosting the hymnfest.  I needn't have worried:  the food was great and everyone with us had been eating camp food all week.

--Friday was my birthday, which began with breakfast with my parents at Biscuithead--also delightful food and huge biscuits.

--Later, I made this Facebook post:  "So far, I've gotten a lot of birthday happy wishes and offers from businesses (free popcorn at the movies! free ice cream at Culvers!). I love that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission sent me a Happy Birthday e-mail wishing me a chance to go outdoors, and an opportunity to purchase a waterproof tag that tells what licenses I have (like a fishing license) that I could attach to my license plate, so it's with me, protected and safe when I go to the great outdoors."

--I arrived at rehearsals as they were ending, and I loved hearing the director, Tom Tenney, talk about how music and singing affects and improves our bodies, not just our souls.

--We did an evening labyrinth walk.  It was indoors, and we used the HUGE canvas labyrinth that the South Carolina synod has.  I was a bit staggered to think about the fact that I've been walking labyrinths for over 20 years.  I think I may like the evening labyrinth experience best.  As I think about the week of sleep, I slept most soundly the night after we walked the labyrinth.  It may be because of exhaustion, but I think it was more.

--It was also wonderful starting each morning with worship.  On Wednesday, I made this Facebook post:  "Even if I had my camera or phone with me, I probably wouldn't have been able to capture the heron that swooped over this lake and flew into a pine tree just as we began morning worship at Lutheridge (Music Week 2023). Great show, God/Nature/Earth/Heron!"

--It was great spending time with my mom and dad.  I realize our time together is going to be cut short at some point--we're all getting older.  I'm trying to cherish what we have.

--And let me not forget that I finished my seminary class.  It was a good class overall, but I'm glad to be done--it's been tricky balancing all of my commitments.

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