Friday, August 18, 2023

First Week of Teaching in Snippets

My schedule is more off kilter than usual.  I crashed into sleep last night around 7, only to wake up at midnight.  I never went back to sleep, although I tried.  In some ways, I'm not surprised.  I have a lot on my mind, a lot to keep straight, and that's before seminary classes start on August 28.  Let me collect some snippets here, since I'm not sure any of them are worthy of a whole blog post by themselves.

--Yesterday's teaching went well.  I have been reflecting on how long it's been since I taught a class that meets more than once a week.  For much of my teaching life, I've taught classes that meet once a week, which means 3-4 hour classes.  I am much more suited to my current teaching schedule of classes that meet for 75 minutes.

--I go back and forth between worrying that I won't be able to find readings that I really like to worrying that there's not enough time for them all.  Both might be true.

--In the literature class, a student asked me what was the longest paper I ever wrote, and I replied, "My dissertation, to get my Ph.D., which was 150 pages."  They asked me what it was about.  I was able to tell them--yes, after all these years, I could still talk cogently (but perhaps not concisely).  They seemed genuinely interested, which made me oddly happy.

--At some point, I do plan on sharing my creative work with them.  Hmmm.

--The building where I have my office and my classes is the newest one on campus, and it's primarily used by Humanities people.  Is there a secret newer building on campus that the Business department gets to use?

--Several students asked me if I ever read the work of students that wasn't assigned for class.  I thought about asking, "What kind of writing?"  But instead, I just smiled and said yes.

--On Tuesday, I had a working computer in my office, but it wasn't connected to the printer.  Yesterday, the computer wasn't working.  It had a message about getting ready to do a repair, then it would reboot, and display the same message.  Happily, I don't really need that computer, at least not right away.

--I really love the vibe of the first weeks of fall term; they've always been my favorite.  It's the start of a new year, and everyone seems hopeful.  That is not true in January when people seem a bit more worn down/out, even after Christmas break.

--I am noticing more leaves changing color here and there, even in the lower elevations.  I don't remember it being this way last year in August.  Of course, I was preoccupied with other changes.

--I had forgotten how tiring it can be to teach for 3 hours at a stretch--all the standing, all the talking.  And then there's the commute in the car.  Let me go take a walk and see if I can work some kinks out of my body. 

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