Monday, October 23, 2023

Fragments from a Disrupted Schedule

I'm feeling a bit frazzled this morning.  My schedule is a bit disrupted this week, in good ways, but it means I need to make adjustments.  Let me just capture a few fragments before I get to the tasks that must be done this morning.

--On our drive across the mountains Oct. 15, we had gloomy skies and glorious leaf color.  On our drive Oct. 22, we had sunny skies and glorious leaf color, but the trees have thinned out.  We are slightly past peak leaf, although it's still gorgeous.  I am trying not to feel sad at the passing of my favorite time of year.  It's easy in some ways--there's still a lot coming that will bring me joy, namely Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I'm trying not to dread January and February.

--The shift from sandals to closed toe shoes to go with my skirts is an adjustment.  I see why some women wear running shoes with their skirts and not just for the subway commute.  My feet ache more now.

--I have decided that the big quilt I'm making will be for my nephew's high school graduation in May.  I will do the binding differently.  I usually fold over the backing for a binding, but that won't look great with the big quilt-in-progress.  I'm thinking about a binding that could be reds (my nephew's favorite color), with bits of fabrics from earlier quilts I made for him.  Hmmm.

--I hope to finish that quilt in November at quilt camp and give it to my nephew at Thanksgiving.

--The big assignments that I turned in for my seminary classes haven't been graded yet.  I feel anxious, which is stupid.  I did my best, and the fact that they are ungraded means nothing.  Still, I feel anxious.

--Or maybe I am anxious because I'm joining the South Carolina Synod for part of their Convocation today and Wednesday.  Why would I feel anxious about that?  In part, it's because I got special permission as a seminarian, so I feel a bit like I'm trespassing.  But I already know a lot of those pastors, and I suspect I will be the only one who knows I'm sort of trespassing.  They will welcome me, and I will feel like an interloper, but I will smile and accept their warmth.

A bit later:

I took a walk this morning just after posting this writing, and I was amazed at how much the leaves have changed since the walk I took Saturday afternoon.  The Saturday afternoon walk was remarkable because I didn't see a car or a person.  I stayed on the Lutheridge grounds, but I usually see a few people out and about.  It was amazing and beautiful and slightly eerie.

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