Thursday, October 5, 2023

Ghosts and Other Inspirations

Yesterday when I walked into my dermatologist's office, I smiled at the sight of all the Halloween decorations.  Every surface had a pumpkin or a jack-o-lantern--or a purple fuzzy witch's boot.  There was a bowl of candy, as if trick-or-treaters might come.  Spiderwebs of various colors were draped over counters and tables.

When I went from the lobby to the back offices and exam rooms, I saw that the decorating had continued.  I said, "Do y'all decorate like this for Christmas too?"

The medical assistant person said, "Oh yes."

I said, "I'm tempted to change my February appointment to December so that I can see it."

She said, "You should!"

I won't do that, but I am tempted.  I love seeing everyone's decorations, regardless of the holiday.

This morning I saw this photo of ghosts made out of vintage fabric, posted by @BrknPoet on Twitter.

Photo by @BrknPoet

I don't want to do too much decorating inside my house this year--it's still a construction zone.  And I don't want to buy too many decorations--we don't have much storage space.  But this picture made me think about possibilities for the outside of the house.  I have a vision for ghosts along our fence line--it's the only space that's really visible from the road, and part of me decorates to bring joy to neighbors and walkers and other passers by.

I have muslin left over from a project, and I have batting.  Let me schedule some creative fun this week-end.  That's the disadvantage with ghosts--they're time sensitive.  Pumpkins can stay up through Thanksgiving, which is why they are my go-to.

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